red wine

Health Benefits of Resveratrol

In Anti aging, Good Health by admin

Resveratrol has popped up a lot lately in the news as an important food component for good health. So what are the health benefits of resveratrol and where do we get it from? It is the pigment that makes up the colour of many red, purple and blue coloured, berries such as cranberries and blueberries, fruit and vegetables, peanuts, and in particular red grapes and wines. It is also found in dark chocolate and cocoa as well. Resveratrol is a polyphenol or an antioxidant, that is most commonly extracted from the skin of grapes in the fermentation process of wine making .You may already consume a fair amount of resveratrol.

Unfortunately it is believed that you need to consume large amount of fruit and vegetables to obtain any substantial amounts of this food component, therefore to make a big difference you would need to take supplements if so desired.

Resveratrol has been found to be beneficial for good health as it assists in the destruction of free radicals or left over molecules of metabolism and other bodily processes.  In this way, resveratrol is able to help control and combat, certain diseases such as heart problems, strokes, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and as a general anti-aging food source.

I am sure you have heard lately about all the benefits of drinking moderate amounts of alcohol lately on a daily basis. So which is the best wine to drink. I found a good article the other day that explains all about it. It appears that the red wines such as organic Shiraz, Pinot Noir or Merlot  are the best sources of this compound . There are lots of supplements available these days, but why by- pass a good glass of red wine, some blueberries and some dark chocolate. See the links below for more information:-

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