coconut oil

Is Coconut Oil Good For Us Or Not?

In Alzheimers Disease, Natural Remedies by admin

The debate still rages on. What are the Benefits of Coconut Oil and is it good for us or not? Read the following and make up your own mind!

There are just so many articles out there lately – some highlighting the nutritional goodness of coconut oil and other criticizing it, saying it is a saturated fat and as such increases cholesterol and our risk of heart diseases. So let us look at both sides of the debate and see what are the benefits of coconut oil and you can decide for yourself? Firstly we will look at the supporters of this natural oil and see their views on coconut oil!

Here is one such article where the author is on the fence but can see the benefits and the not so good results of studies, that have been carried out. While studies show that coconut is a saturated fat and can lead to issues with heart disease, it can be used for so many other things. As the author points out is can be used for a wide variety of purposes and practices –  “You can turn it into a skin moisturizer, deodorantwood polishhair tamerhair conditioner (or pretty much any beauty product, for that matter), sunscreen (but not a very good one!), bug bite sootherhairball shrinkershaving creammassage oiltoothpastestretch mark preventercar detailerdog treatrust remover, and yes … even a lube. ”

To read the whole article click on the link below:-

This amazing story is that of a grandmother who battled against 18-year-olds this week in a bid to be crowned Miss Maxim Australia. She stated in another article that her use of coconut oil contributed as the prime factor in her beauty treatment and skin care.  Check out one of the articles below.

And now the other side of the debate.

Yes coconut oil is a saturated fat,  it does cause high cholesterol and it can lead to  heart disease but if used in moderation and in a balanced diet it should be alright.

In the following article it states that “ balance and moderation are key, and if we consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, a variety of fat sources, lots of fibre, limited sugar and alcohol, and achieve sufficient rest and physical activity, then coconut oil is not going to cause heart disease, and may in fact be beneficial to health — particularly if it is replacing other less desirable fat types.”

“Recent evidence shows that contributors to heart disease are a high sugar diet and insulin resistance, plus high levels of oxidative stress due to poor glycaemic control, high consumption of over-processed, damaged fat-containing foods such as fried foods, over-processed meat and baked goods, and a lack of fats recognised as beneficial. Beneficial ones being fish, krill, raw nuts such as walnuts and pecans, avocados, virgin olive oil, etc.

“Coconut oil is a source of saturated fats, but also represents a source of beneficial compounds. The evidence is mixed, and we can’t ignore that, but there is research to suggest that coconut oil can assist in the management of healthy blood sugar, reducing oxidative stress (supporting healthy blood pressure as well as healthy growth and development) and even acting to reduce inflammation at the joints and throughout the intestinal tract,”    See the following link for the full article:-

Treat coconut oil like butter or beef fat, American Heart Association says

“We wanted to set the record straight … saturated fat increases low-density lipoproteins (LDL) – bad cholesterol – which is a major cause of artery-clogging plaque and cardiovascular disease,” said Frank Sacks, lead author and professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at Harvard University.

In our blood we have both good (high-density lipoproteins, or HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol. LDL is considered bad because it can increase fatty deposits in arteries, thus damaging blood vessel health. In contrast, HDL helps to prevent cholesterol from building up in the arteries.”

Food trends such as “bullet-proof coffee” have played a role in the oil’s increasing popularity in Australia. The organic coffee blended with grass-fed butter and coconut oil is said to “promote brain function, memory and energy levels”.

To read more of this article,  click on the following link:-

So one final thought about coconut oil is the possibility of it being beneficial in treating Alzheimer and dementia patients.  The potential increase of a large number of baby boomers, with dementia, hitting the hospitals in the years to come is very daunting. They need one- on- one care around the clock and something needs to be done now to reduce potential numbers. If we can find something to reduce the upcoming impact by introducing  preventative measures now there maybe hope. Can coconut oil act as a preventative measure?? There seems to be some trials taking place currently and so we need to wait for their results. Here is one such trial.   See the link below:

So what was your verdict. Is coconut oil good for us or not? Should we just consume it in moderation or as some advise, consume some each day to help with brain health? What are the major Benefits of Coconut Oil to you? Please leave a comment here or sign up and place a post in my new forum. Love to hear your opinion on this topic.

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