The Latest News On Diabetes

In diabetes, News by admin

What is diabetes? Are you prone to or likely to develop this very common disease? Do you eat a lot of fast food and not exercise as often as you should?  If you think so, then you better read the following article. Things that many don’t realize is that a large number of people will lose a limb, their eye sight, or develop kidney problems, due to this disease.

So in some countries the government is implementing strategies to reduce the intake of unhealthy or junk foods through sugar taxes and other school initiatives and education.  Other strategies to combat child hood diabetes are through increasing the number of hours per week of compulsory physical activities for school children.

Another factor that should be put out there is that you can easily prevent yourself from developing this disease by maintaining a healthy weight by cutting out fast food, eating a more balanced diet with fresh fruit and vegetables and exercising more regularly.

For more information about this terrible disease check it out on the link below:-

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