Cannabis/Marijuana vs Hemp Oil ?

In Organics and Health by admin

I have been hearing lots of good reviews about the benefits of Cannabis/ Marijuana Oil lately, especially in regards to curing cancer. I am currently in the process of trialing a natural remedy of coconut oil and bicarb soda for my skin cancer. I have tried the alternate method to getting it cut out which involves a cream but it hasn’t worked so far. The coconut has reduced the size so waiting to see how it goes.I have another back up remedy – black salve to try as well. I prefer to try natural remedies first and if all fail then I have to go under the chop. As stated previously there has been lots of talk about cannabis or marijuana and hemp. Not knowing the difference I thought I would do some research. It seems they both come from the Cannabis “family” but are two different species ie marijuana and hemp. It is the proportion of two different components of these plants that makes the difference in their properties.

I found a great article the goes into it all the differences and uses, so check it out here if interested-

I went to get some hemp oil from a site I know to try on my skin cancer – Hemp Foods Australia but they have sold out of all their oil, so I am going to have to purchase it on back order. I’ll let you know if it works.  If interested in checking out their site click on the banner below. Till next time.

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